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World Kindness Day

By: Samina Tariq Khan. M.D.N. Holistic Nutrition

Kindness is not just an action we do for the right reasons, in fact this thought and action has a positive effect on our health and wellness as well.

1. Kindness Produces Feel-Good Happy Hormones.

When we are involved in actions of kindness, hormones which boost serotonin, the neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of well-being and satisfaction are released.

 2. Kindness is Good for the Heart

Emotional warmth associated with an act of kindness produces the hormone oxytocin, in the brain and throughout the body. Oxytocin is known as a ‘cardioprotective’ hormone because it protects the heart (by lowering blood pressure).

 3. Kindness Improves Relationships

One of the most significant elements in living well is how our relationships are with people around us. If we are able to build strong relationships by being kind and considerate of others, definitely we will feel bonded, happy and less stressed, all playing the role of health tonics on our wellbeing.

4. Kindness can Reduce Anxiety

Another positive effect of kindness on our wellbeing is it can aid in lowering anxiety.

5. Kindness: Volunteer Your Time, Skills and Resources.

A study that followed women for 30 years found that 52% of those who did not belong to a volunteer organization experienced major illness compared to 36% of those who were a part of a volunteer organization.

We can assume all the above reasons related to kindness might have played positive role in their wellbeing!

Kindness Increases your Health, Wealth, and lifetime. (Hadith)

Abu Huraira narrated: A person complained to The Prophet of the hardness of the heart, so The Prophet said, “If you want your heart to be soft then feed the poor and stroke the head of the orphan.”[Masnad Ahmed:7576]