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written by : Mehak Abdullah

This is the winter time;

When Autumn arrives!!!!!

I believe 

These are maple leaves!

Scattered all around the fields

Diffusing on streets

Lots of colors but green 

Having on them, sun beams

Bringing out shiny glimpse 

These are Maple leaves.

Some will go on hike 

It is still time for bike

Now counts for early nights

Coming cool breeze

Wearing light fleece.

These are Maple leaves!

Then, arrive winter right!

Now is domain of snow bites

Flakes all over and under, white

Those Night falls, look like

As, if the world outside

Glowing viz twinkling bright

It is Canada’s wonder sight

These are Maple leaves!

Days are small, still white

With, All around snow piles

Kids play, snow balls fight

What a wonderful sight

There comes some, sudden rise 

When winter sun fully shines

Out of clouds, it glazing up high

I believe 

This is the winter time!