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Prophet Lut AS 

By: Aisha Nadeem


The Quran tells us many stories . Some are the stories of ancient nations and their prophets, in a unique way. These are not only stories from past civilizations, not only tales of prophets and their nations, these are the lessons for us, for today’s man and for the future generations. One of the prophets named in the Quran is Hazrat Lut AS. He was the nephew of Hazrat Ibrahim AS. 

“Then did Lut believe him, and Abraham said: “I am emigrating unto my Lord. He is All-Powerful, All-Wise,” (29:26) 

Hazrat Ibrahim AS is respected in all holy religions of modern times and his story is presented in all books, so is the story of Lut AS. The Quran does not mention the location of his nation but the Bible does. According to the Bible Lut AS was sent to the ancient city of Sodom. Today no remains of this city are found . However it is believed that this city was situated where today’s Dead sea is. That nation was involved in such a crime that Allah not only destroyed the nation but even their remains have not been left. Question arises: what was their crime? 

The Quran mentions in surah Al-A’raf ( ch.8), “ And remember when We sent Lut [as a Messenger to his people and he said to them: ‘Do you realize you practice an indecency of which no other people in the world were guilty of before you? (80) You approach men lustfully in place of women. You are a people who exceed all bounds.’ (81)” 

They were the very first people to start this unnatural way to get pleasure. They indulged in this hideous crime that can endanger humans. No religion ,either holy or man made ,has allowed this kind of act. As mulana Mudoodi

explained this matter in his tafheem, “ God created distinctions between the sexes of all living beings for the purposes of reproduction and perpetuation of the species. As far as the human species is concerned, their creation into two sexes is related to another end as well: that the two should come together in order to bring into existence the family and establish human civilization. In view of this, not only were human beings divided into two sexes, but each sex was made attractive to the other. The physical structure and psychological make-up of each sex was shaped in keeping with the purpose of forging bonds of mutual cordiality between the members of the two sexes. The sexual act, which is intensely pleasurable, is at once a factor leading to the fulfillment of nature’s purposes as underlined by the sexual division of humankind as well as a reward for fulfilling these purposes”. He further explained its effects on humans, “Now, the crime of the person who commits sodomy in flagrant opposition to this scheme of things, is not limited to that act alone. In fact he commits along with it a number of other crimes. First, he wages war against his own nature, against his inherent psychological predilection. This causes a major disorder which leads to highly negative effects on the lives of both the parties involved in that unnatural act – effects which are physical, psychological as well as moral. Second, he acts dishonestly with nature since while he derives sexual pleasure he fails to fulfill the societal obligation of which this pleasure is a recompense. Third, such a person also acts dishonestly with human society”. 

It is no doubt a crime against humanity. 

In the present world we see many countries including Canada have allowed its people to adopt this type of lifestyle. People are not only forced by law to accept such people but also, to appreciate them.

What should we do in such a situation? 

We must understand that Islam does not hate criminals. It discourages crime. Similarly Islam concentrates upon correcting the people and making them beneficial to all humanity. This life is to build our eternal life. “ Whoever seeks the harvest of the Hereafter, We shall increase for him his harvest, and whoever seeks the harvest of this world, We shall give him thereof; but he will have no share in the Hereafter. (42:20) 

  1. First step to solve any problem is acknowledgement. We should consider this situation as an issue that needs to be addressed. 
  2. Educate ourselves. What are the symptoms of this problem? Assess the levels of the problem and then seek help. 
  3. Communicate. Our children should be well aware of the moral values that our religion teaches us . And also why is it wrong ? 
  4. Connect with the Quran and sunnah. Our connection with the Quran and sunnah should be strong and we should have open talks about lessons from the Quran. 

Remember how the people of Lut AS ended. As Quran tells in Surah Hud (ch.11) “And when Our command came to pass, We turned the town upside down, and rained on it stones of baked clay, one on another, (82) marked from your Lord. Nor is the punishment far off from the wrong-doers. (83)” We have to act today to save our future generations from this ending.