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Four Simple Things Will Change Your Meal into a Perfect Meal.

Samina Khan (M.D.N.  Holistic Nutrition)


Imam Ahmed bin Hambal said when four things gathered in a meal then it is the perfect or complete meal.

  1.  Starts with the name of Allah
  2. Ends with praises and gratitude for Allah 
  3.  More people eating together
  4. The food is from Halal sources. (Earnings plus Ingredients)


Start with the Name of Allah: Wahshi Ibn Harb (ra) narrated that Prophet (S) said “Eat in a group, and recite Bismillah, for in these are Barakah” (Barkat – blessing, grace, increase, a lot with a little).

In the Sharah Sunnah Abu Ayyub (ra) narrates that we were in the blessed presence of the Messenger of Allah(S) and at the beginning of the meal there was abundance of barakah, the likes of which we had never seen before, but towards the end there was an absence of such.  We asked the Prophet (s), “O Rasul Allah! What was the cause of this change?” He (S) responded “We all began the meal with the recitation of Bismillah, then a person joined in without doing so such that Shaytan joined in the meal with him.”