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Samina Tariq Khan    


My Connection with Allah swt in this Lifestyle.


Several years ago, in a family get-together a woman made fun of my cooking fresh obsession laughing and saying, “O you are new to Canada that’s why, ” I said confidently and without feeling any embarrassment.  “It’s not that I am new, it is because I feel that fresh cooking is healthy  for me and my family.”

Having a passion for lifelong learning in natural healing has enabled me to feel the strong connection with Allah in my lifestyle. And it has also made me confident enough to encourage others to feel the connection in the same way.  Allah has asked us to pay attention to the signs scattered around us to feel His greatness, truth and presence while’ discovering wisdom in teachings of Deen.

Learning that our kind attitude makes the body release a happy hormone. The positive effect of kindness on the immune system and on the increased production of serotonin in the brain has been proven in research, “that a simple act of kindness benefits the giver, receiver and even the observer. (1) 

Today we hear a lot about minimal lifestyle is the way to live not only a peaceful but successful life. Gratitude influences our health and wellbeing. Keeping ourselves, surroundings, and environment clean impacts us in many ways. Prayers are like having a support group. Benefits of waking up early in morning, as in a 2008 Texas University study, college students who considered themselves as morning people earned a full point higher on their GPAs than those who were night owls. (3.5 vs 2.5). Harvard biologist Christopher Randler discovered in 2008 that early risers are more proactive. (3). Role of our Intentions, researchers believe that our intelligence, creativity, and imagination interact with the energy field of intention rather than being thoughts or elements in our brain. (1) 

 On the other hand, we can easily realize buying expensive homes on huge mortgages, wearing expensive brand name clothes, having expensive cars, other luxuries and working day and night to achieve these worldly so-called higher lifestyles fails to give us calm and peace of soul.   High Materialism is not making us happy and content, it does not make our soul at peace and ease. We see a rise in mental health issues, depression, anxiety etc. life has become robotic machines. Then we realize feeling the connection with Allah cures depression and anxiety.


I would say seeing things at a superficial level and indulging too much in worldly luxuries make it hard to feel the connection. We develop this ability when we are able to observe and analyze at deeper levels matters and things going around us,  we will start feeling the strong connection in every lifestyle like the royal lifestyle of  King Solomon (AS), rising from soldier to King Dawood (AS), Finance Minister Yusuf (AS), business woman Khadija (RA), all had the higher and busy lifestyle at the same time were able to bond strongly with Allah.

My worldly knowledge of Nutrition, Islamic healing and Natural healing and the ability to relate with the wisdom of Deen has helped me feel the strong and loving connection with Allah, giving me the ability to encourage others. Alhumdulillah!



  1. The power of intention by Dr. Wayne Dyer
  3. www. of waking up early.



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