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Healthy Lifestyle

Samina Khan (Calgary)

In today’s world a healthy lifestyle is all about being vigilant and knowledgeable in terms of what you are putting in your mouth, what products you are using, and the environment around you. It also means taking care of all three components of our being: body, mind, and soul. The simple rule is “Being Mindful” about your eating and surroundings. Mindfulness is considered the most effective and powerful tool to be successful in any field.

Eat Healthy: Experts say the human body has up to 100 trillion cells. To be functioning at their optimal level each one needs best nutrition everyday. It affects energy levels, food cravings, thinking capability, sleeping habits and our overall health. An unhealthy diet increases the risk of depression, mood swings and anxiety.[1]

Eat Fresh and Organic whenever possible. A diet high in additives, preservatives and refined sugar can cause poor concentration, hyperactivity, and aggression.

Exercise and Fresh Air: The second most important habit is Exercise. The guideline for exercise is an hour of exercise everyday. This can include brisk walking at least five days a week for 30 minutes to an hour. Exercise also helps in getting in more oxygen, and is essential for strengthening our heart, lungs and immune system.[2]

Avoid Use of Styrofoam: Styrofoam disposable cups and take out containers have Styrene that can accumulate in the tissues of the brain, spinal cord and nerves and can yield fatigue, nervousness and sleeping problems. The International Agency for Research on Cancer lists styrene as a possible cancer-causing agent. [3]

3.Use Less Plastic: Choose glass and ceramic containers as much as possible. If you must use plastic, try to keep the container cool and out of sunlight.

Plastic containers have recycle numbers placed with triangles, usually at the bottom of the container. Those numbered one or five are the least harmful.

4. Avoid Non-Stick Cookware: When non-stick or Teflon cookware is heated at high temperature or gets scratched it releases perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and other chemicals which end up in our food.

Safer Cookware: glass, cast-iron, copper or ceramic/porcelain coated pans.

Avoid Electronics Before Sleep: Cell phones and other wireless devices emit RF radiation continually, even if they are not being actively used. The closer it is to the body, the greater is the effect.

Avoid too Much Use of Microwave Oven: Eating micro-waved food causes loss of memory, concentration, emotional instability, and a decrease of intelligence. [5]

Be Nice to Your Relatives: Abu Huraira(ra) narrated: I heard Allah’s messenger saying,“He who desires that he be granted more provision and his life be prolonged, should join with his blood relations.” [Bukhari. kitab al- Adaab]

Have Hope, Good Intentions and a Positive Mindset. Experts say that much of disease can be related to negative thoughts and stress. By focusing on the positive in our life just for three days, results rise in serotonin levels and a stronger immune system.

Abu Hurairah (ra) narrated: Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “A strong believer is better and dearer to Allah than a weak believer, and in each there is good. [Muslim-Kitab-ul- Qadr, 6774]

As a Strong and Healthy believer will be more beneficial, so try to practice a healthy lifestyle to perform well in all fields of life.


1.You are what you eat by Gillian Mckeith

2. The- benefits of oxygen



5.The Hidden Hazards of Microwave Cooking