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Fareha Shabnam


The Beautiful Footprints

In the middle of the blistering desert, among hot rocks and burnt mountains, the sand dunes shimmer with waves of scorching heat, and the sun shows no mercy to anyone at all. In a land devoid of any life and water, the last few of the dates and the remaining drops of water have finished and little Ismaeel is restless and crying out of thirst and hunger. Despite all reason to be hopeless, Hajar keeps hanging on and refuses to succumb to despair. That full trust in her Master is what makes this story so special, a tale of hope, courage, bravery and resilience. It’s the story of a fragile young mother, whose footsteps are imprinted in history, echoing through the ages, passing down generation after generation, so vivid and so bright. The footprints which became so beloved to her Master, God the Almighty, that He orders not only every woman, but every man as well to carefully follow them in the same spirit, same direction, and same speed, walking exactly where she walked and running exactly where she ran.