ICNA Sisters Canada - Outreach Department
Through outreach department ICNA sisters plan activities to remove the misconceptions about Islam. We invite people of other faiths to our
activities like “get to know your Muslim neighbors,” “library open houses,” “Hijab day,” “Green dawah day,” and many media campaigns.
We aim to provide the true Islamic perspective through authentic literature as well as by providing opportunities to learn directly from the Muslims instead of media, on concepts mostly misunderstood in the community including Terrorism and Status of Women in Islam.
Our Projects
World Hijab Day
February 1st, 2013, marked the first annual World Hijab Day (WHD) in recognition of millions of Muslim women who choose to wear the hijab and live a life of modesty.
Bill Board Ads
Billboard ad campaign is another way of dawah and to increase visibility of Islam. As Muslims we’re all concerned about the negative propaganda and vibes about …
Subway/Bus Ads
A very effective way of sending messages about true Islamic values is through Ads on buses and subways. People using the transit are curious and they have …
Meet a Muslim Day
In order to build bridges and remove misconceptions, ICNA Sisters creates occasions for open dialogues with our neighbours and fellow Canadians.
Islamic History Month
A golden past with modern day examples that touch our lives daily, an acknowledgement to those who have contributed to the betterment of humanity…
Dawah Booth
Accompanied with our husbands , daughters and sons, ICNA Sisters have also taken this responsibility on themselves to provide the Islamic information …