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Communication Skills from Seerah

Samina Tariq Khan    Calgary

Good Communication is an important skill to be effective and successful in any field of life whether it’s a home, workplace, interpersonal relationships, even if it affects our health and wellbeing. 

“Studies show the audience gains their impression of you not by what you say but how you say it. Less than ten percent of your impact is from the words themselves”.[1]

“As a vessel is known by the sound, whether it be cracked or not, so people are proved by their speeches whether they are wise or foolish” [Demosthenes][1]

Alhamdulillah! We find lots of example from the Seerah of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) to make our communication skills the best. 

Speak With Clarity:

Aisha (ra) Narrated: The speech of Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) was very clear, whoever heard him could understand him(clearly). [Abu Dawood kitab al adab 4839]

Repeat Three Times:

Anas (ra) narrated:  whenever the prophet (ﷺ) spoke (an important) sentence he used to repeat it thrice until the people could understand it, and whenever he entered upon people, he would greet them with a greeting thrice.” [Bukhari] kitab al ilm 95].

Always use Good and Respectful Words:

Abdullah (ra) narrated: Allah’s messenger ﷺ said, A momin is not the one who taunts, curses, speaks indecently or abuses others.”  [Ibn Haban kitab al iman 192]

Meet and Greet with Cheerful Face and Smile: 

Jabir(ra) reported Allah ‘s Messenger ﷺ as saying , Every act of kindness is charity. Kindness includes meeting your brother with a cheerful face and pouring water from your bucket into your brother’s vessel. (Ahmed and Tirmidhi]

Keep it Simple:

Abdullah (ra) narrated: Allah’s Messenger ( ﷺ)  said, Destroyed  are those who are pretentious. He repeated this three times. [Muslim Kitab al Ilm 6784]

Communicate Well your Emotions:

Al -Miqdaam bin Madi karib (ra) narrated: The Prophet ﷺ said, “When a man loves his brother(For Allah’s sake) he should inform him that he loves him.” [Abi Dawood kitab al Adab 5124]

Create Loving and Comfortable Atmosphere:

Anas bin Malik narrated: The Prophet ﷺ used to mingle with us to the extent that he would say to the younger brother of mine, O father of Umair! What did An Nughair (your Sparrow) do? [Bukhari Kitab -Al-Adab 6129]

Do not create doubt or confusion:

Muawiya (ra) Said that the Prophet ﷺ forbade the discussion of thorny questions [Abu Dawud].

Share your Beneficial Knowledge:

Abu Hurairah reported: Allah ‘s Messenger ﷺ as saying, He who is asked about something he knows and conceals it, will have a bridle of fire put on him on the day of resurrection. [Ahmad Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi]

Al- Hasan (ra) said that knowledge is of two kinds: knowledge in the heart, which is the beneficial type; and knowledge on the tongue, which is Allah’s allegation against a human being.” [ Darimi]

“Indeed in the Messenger of Allah ﷺ you have a beautiful example. [ Al- Ahzab – 21)


1.Speak with Power by Betty K. Cooper

  1. How To speak so People Will Listen by Ronald Willingham