Eid ul adha – ICNA Sisters Canada https://icnasistersca.org Self Development through Character Building, Commitment and Community Work Mon, 17 Jun 2024 19:02:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://icnasistersca.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/cropped-ICNACanadaLogo-32x32.jpeg Eid ul adha – ICNA Sisters Canada https://icnasistersca.org 32 32 Labbaik! Allahumma Labbaik! https://icnasistersca.org/labbaik-allahumma-labbaik/ Mon, 17 Jun 2024 19:02:17 +0000 https://icnasistersca.org/?p=4598 Read More »Labbaik! Allahumma Labbaik!]]> Written by: Shaheena Awan


My tears want to flow
My ears want to hear
My tongue wants to say
My feet are ant to move
With those who are saying

Labbaik! Allahumma Labbaib!
Labbaika La Sharika Laka Labbaik!

Tawaf, Zam Zam and Jamaraat
That Black Stone, and staying in Arafat
What a special Ibadah
And what a special journey
I want to join those
Who are saying

Labbaik! Allahumma Labbaib!
Labbaika La Sharika Laka Labbaik!

I am getting old
I have not enough gold
My hands are empty
I don’t have enough currency
But I want to join those
Who are wearing white clothes
And who are saying

Labbaik! Allahumma Labbaib!
Labbaika La Sharika Laka Labbaik!

I spend my life with this hope
I have no time, BUT this hope
I am making Dua with this hope
My hands are open and I don’t want to close
I want to join those who are saying

Labbaik! Allahumma Labbaib!
Labbaika La Sharika Laka Labbaik!


Footprints https://icnasistersca.org/footprints/ Wed, 05 Jul 2023 04:03:54 +0000 https://icnasistersca.org/?p=4048 Read More »Footprints]]> Fareha Shabnam


The Beautiful Footprints

In the middle of the blistering desert, among hot rocks and burnt mountains, the sand dunes shimmer with waves of scorching heat, and the sun shows no mercy to anyone at all. In a land devoid of any life and water, the last few of the dates and the remaining drops of water have finished and little Ismaeel is restless and crying out of thirst and hunger. Despite all reason to be hopeless, Hajar keeps hanging on and refuses to succumb to despair. That full trust in her Master is what makes this story so special, a tale of hope, courage, bravery and resilience. It’s the story of a fragile young mother, whose footsteps are imprinted in history, echoing through the ages, passing down generation after generation, so vivid and so bright. The footprints which became so beloved to her Master, God the Almighty, that He orders not only every woman, but every man as well to carefully follow them in the same spirit, same direction, and same speed, walking exactly where she walked and running exactly where she ran.

Generation Gap https://icnasistersca.org/generation-gap/ Mon, 26 Jun 2023 15:28:37 +0000 https://icnasistersca.org/?p=4044 Read More »Generation Gap]]> Generation Gap

Writer: Sadia Shakeel


In the biography of Prophet Ibrahim, where is the generation gap? Our children are our most valuable asset in this world. Prophet Ibrahim wanted a child even in his older age. He prayed to Allah, saying, “Lord, grant me a righteous son.” Why? Did he want to leave behind a man with all his money? No, he wanted to leave behind a leader and an imam for the pious. His son was born when he was 80 years old, and there was a huge difference in their ages. However, when Ismail heard his father’s dream, he bowed his head without asking any questions or expressing hesitation. He said, “If Allah wills, you will find me among the patient.” This shows that there was no generation gap between father and son, even though they were so far apart in age. Ismail was so attached to his father that he understood every word without his father having to say it. This kind of bonding is essential for any great purpose, whether it is between a father and son, or between brothers.
We cannot overlook the character of Mother Hajra in all of this. Ismail was just a child, so how would Hajra have felt when she heard about the dream? What were her thoughts? Did she ask any questions? Did she try to dissuade her son? No, she did not. She simply accepted her husband’s decision and prepared to obey Allah’s command.
Nobody ever thought that Ismail would be replaced with a lamb. Did Hajra never mention to her son, “Your father left me alone in the wilderness with no sign of water. I ran like crazy between the mountains, looking for any sign of travelers.” Did she ever tell him that her struggle and those running around would be marked for all of humanity? No, she did not. She never once complained or made her son feel guilty about what had happened.
This is the household of the Prophets. Here, the standard of living is not based on materialistic beliefs. We in our times have become so obsessed with worldly possessions that we are not even on the same page with our own families. Today, our biggest challenge is the generation gap. Children do not listen to their parents. One of the signs of the Day of Judgment is that a son will be distant from his father and closer to his friends.
What kind of father was Ibrahim, whose bonding with his son set an example in history? Sometimes, mothers also play a role in the gap between fathers and sons. We as parents often have that apologetic attitude, saying, “We couldn’t provide you with the best education, or do more for you.”
How to raise our children best? We learn that from the life story of Ibrahim and Hajra. Caring for our children’s Aakhira (hereafter) should be our top priority and top responsibility. Prophet Ibrahim not only broke those idols to spread the message of “There is no god but Allah,” but he also raised his son Ismail in that manner to leave behind a legacy.
Here is a lesson for us: Reduce the generation gap between our children. Raise them to be leaders of the Muslim Ummah. Read the Quran and see how Allah praised them and their household. He called their household His own. There is an example in the Seerah (biography) of Ibrahim. He is our role model.
