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By Iffat Baig


 Life is a remarkable  journey, consisting of peaks and valleys. The goal is to move forward with faith and dignity, trusting that the entire universe is following the commands of Allah SWT and Allah’s Love for us is 70 times more than the affection of a mother for her child.    

  “Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere and sometimes in the middle of nowhere you find yourself”(Stacy Westfall). Whenever a true believer comes across any calamity in his life, he should seek help through prayer and patience (as mentioned in surah baqarah). It is not the virtue of a true believer to complain about the predicaments in his life. Instead, we should realize that the trials in our lives may either be a test from Allah in order to increase our Iman and level of piety with its own rewards, or it may be a reminder for us to ask Allah for forgiveness if we are doing anything which is not favorable in islam. It is our belief that Allah never burdens a soul more than its capacity to endure it. I remember my father used to recite the verse of a poem, which states that in order  to be able to get rewarded by the blessings of Allah SWT, try shedding tears of joy and smile in the middle of hardships. 

We should try to enjoy little things in life. Sometimes we are so immensely blinded by our dreams and ambitions that we forget to cherish the beautiful ambience in our expedition. It would be like if someone wanted to have a cup of morning coffee in his workplace but felt disappointed finding the broken coffee machine and murmured to himself, ‘I never get the things I desire in my life,’ without realizing that someone brought the best coffee from a nearby restaurant and put it on the adjacent table. Complaining about little mishaps in our life is very easy but to admire the beauty around us and be grateful for the favours of Allah SWT upon us is truly a blessing.

May Allah Help us in becoming  true humble believers and Shower His blessings upon us. 
