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Writer : UmmOmer

City: Edmonton

Reflections of Ahsan ul Qasas 

The most beautiful Story


Surah Yusuf continues to amaze me each time I reflect on the story and character of Yusuf(as).
It gives me lessons of hope,love,forgiveness & continued faith in Allah

✨ The story begins by Allah swt stating that the story of Yusuf ( as) isn’t an ordinary story, it’s Ahsan Ul Qasas – the most beautiful of stories

✨The word Ahsan is from the same root as beautiful – Husn-

✨Yusuf (as) was given husn- beauty that no one else was given , he was given good looks, something that was given to him by Allah.

✨But through out the story we see his exemplary inner beautiful character… of complete forgiveness,relentless faith, beautiful patience and unconditional love.

✨Those who once betrayed him later acknowledge he is a Muhsin – one who does good , even to those who wronged him

✨Towards the end Yusuf ( as) makes a very beautiful dua , that is an epitome of perfection and beautiful character –

And he said, “O my father, this is the explanation of my vision of before. My Lord has made it reality. And He was certainly good to me when He took me out of prison and brought you [here] from bedouin life after Satan had induced [estrangement] between me and my brothers. Indeed, my Lord is Subtle in what He wills. Indeed, it is He who is the Knowing, the Wise. [ Surah Yusuf :100]

✨Yusuf (as) very beautifully attributes his success and years of perseverance to His Lord

✨Yusuf ( as) says , ‘ He was certainly good to me …’

The same beautiful word – ‘Ahsana bi Rabbi’

✨A person who is beautiful from the inside can have the audacity to acknowledge and be grateful to the One who has control over all affairs of our lives.