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Samina Tariq Khan        Calgary


Navigating through the age of information


No doubt its extremely difficult to navigate while living in this age of ocean of knowledge, information, and lifestyle trends.

Strategically speaking its not that difficult! Navigating is easy when we know well, purpose of our journey and our destination, where we want to go. eg. “Many aquatic animals such as turtles, sharks, and salmon, use the Earth’s magnetic field to navigate to their desired destinations.[2] The monarchs begin their southern migration from September to October [3]. “A researcher, Hans Fromme, (in 1957) at the Frankfurt Zoological Institute in Germany, noticed the caged robins he kept in his office became restless, fluttering incessantly towards the southwestern part of the cage. This behavior lasted during the migrating season of the robins, (known to migrate southwestwards to Spain for winter). The caged birds had never been outside. Neither had they seen other free robins flying southwest, nor used other navigational aids like the sun or stars. So, what was guiding them in their distress?[2] To all, Allah has given their needed navigation guidance. So do we, in the form of Quran Sunnah and Hadith! “And Who has measured and then guided”. (Al Ala verse 3). As It is not built in, to use this navigating system properly we need to:

Develop our information literacy skills: the ability to identify, find, evaluate, and use information effectively” [1]. Read Authentic books and visit reliable websites. Join the institute or learn from experts.

Keeping ourselves updated by continuously upgrading our knowledge, worldly knowledge as well. Combination of both makes us understand at a much deeper level.  As there are the signs of the greatness of the Creator.  

Think critically: Two babies were born at the same time in an American hospital, a busy nurse somehow forgot to name tag the parents’ names. The other day doctors were concerned about how to identify which child belongs to which parent. The American doctor asked his Egyptian colleague, Muslims say every question has an answer in the Quran. How would you solve this puzzle? He thought didn’t get it, so he flew to Egypt and asked the scholars there. They said we are not experts in the field of obstetrics, however, think on this Ayah, hopefully you will get it.

“Allah commands you in regard of your children’s (inheritance) to the male, a portion equal to that of two females…. “(4).

The Egyptian Doctor pondered, something sparked in his brain, returned, asked to run the test on breast milk of mothers, the nutrients ratio shocked the team, one woman has the exact double the amount 1:2, all nutrients.  He declared the woman who has twice the number of nutrients is the mother of the boy, and the girl belongs to a woman having exactly half the numbers.  [5] The American doctors were amazed and so do I.

“But he has not attempted to pass on the path that is steep (i.e., The path which will lead to goodness and success) (Al- Balad v- 11).

“It’s your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.” Maulana Rumi.






  1. An-Nisa verse 11
  2. Article excerpt, Roohani digest